Josh Crompton

How to set up a development environment for Elm with Docker

I'll do almost anything to avoid writing JavaScript. So I've recently started playing around with Elm, a purely functional language which compiles to JavaScript. If you haven't heard of it already, you should defintely check it out, it's neat.

Elm already has some pretty nice tooling around it, but what makes it even nicer is that it's really easy to set up a development environment using Docker. This means when you inevitably run out of time to play with Elm, you won't have yet another language runtime hanging around on your machine to be cleared out when you next have the time (read as: never).

This post assumes you already have Docker installed and configured on your machine (if not, you can follow the excellent documentation to fix that).

Setting up

Get the docker image by running docker pull codesimple/elm:0.17. This will pull down the image for Elm v0.17, which appears to be the latest version as of this writing.

Given we have an Elm source file, Source.elm, you can now compile it with the following command:

$ docker run \
  -it --rm -v "$(pwd):/code" \
  -w "/code" -e "HOME=/tmp" \
  -u $UID:$GID -p 8000:8000 \
  codesimple/elm:0.17 \
  make Source.elm --output=index.html

That's quite a mouthful! What's actually happening here? $ docker run tells the docker client to start a container based on the image we specify; -it runs the container with an interactive tty; --rm removes the running container after our command finishes; -v "$(pwd):/code binds the /code directory in the container to our current directory and -w "/code" makes it the the working directory; -e "HOME=/tmp" sets the $HOME environment variable of the container to /tmp; -u $UID:$GID sets the user and group in the container to our current user and group, which preserves correct permissions on files created or updated by the container; -p 8000:8000 exposes any anything running inside the container on port 8000 to port 8000 on the host; codesimple/elm:0.17 specifies the image to run and make Source.elm --output=index.html runs elm-make to compile Source.elm to index.html.

Phew. If you're lazy like me, you won't want to repeat that every time you want to run an Elm command. So lets make a bash alias by adding the following line to our ~/.bashrc:

alias elm='docker run -it --rm -v "$(pwd):/code" -w "/code" -e "HOME=/tmp" -u $UID:$GID -p 8000:8000 codesimple/elm:0.17'

This makes running any of the built in Elm commands as simple as $ elm <command> <args>. For instance, compiling our Source.elm file can now be done with $ elm make Source.elm --output=index.html.

Happy hacking!

#Elm #Docker